Imagine if you will, a man so decadent in stature, without any real physical flaws, blessed with the best genetics that most women desire and most men desire to be. But it doesn’t stop there. This man was blessed inside as well, had a heart for God, chosen by God and even given his own counsel, Samuel, the best of the best, his own servant from God, a liaison between him and the Lord Almighty. But the man was anything but boastful. As a matter of fact, when the Lord chose him, he was hiding, insecure in his ability to serve.
Saul was chosen and became the first king of the Israelites, God’s chosen people. King Saul was a king to fight the battle against the Ammonites. The Ammonites were people likened to our current day ISIS. The Ammonites killed the Israelites, raped the women and run amok. King Saul was given the task which he completed but he also, through self-determination, took liberties not instructed by God. He killed the Ammonites and all their livestock as instructed by God through Samuel, but also kept the best livestock under the guise of offering them to God. He also saved the life of the leader of the Ammonites under the guise of showing mercy to an enemy.
In short, King Saul began to stray away from God. He opened himself up to the wiles of the devil through self-determination. The Lord said obedience is more important than sacrifice. Saul, however, didn’t stop there. He continued to disobey God until he fell farther and farther away from Him like he began to worship idols and went so far to the point where he began to consult with fortune tellers. At the end of his life, when he was wasting away in his old age, he could not stand to be alive and asked his trusted servant to kill him. The servant refused so he purposely fell into his own sword and ended his own life.
In short, King Saul began to stray away from God. He opened himself up to the wiles of the devil through self-determination. The Lord said obedience is more important than sacrifice. Saul, however, didn’t stop there. He continued to disobey God until he fell farther and farther away from Him like he began to worship idols and went so far to the point where he began to consult with fortune tellers. At the end of his life, when he was wasting away in his old age, he could not stand to be alive and asked his trusted servant to kill him. The servant refused so he purposely fell into his own sword and ended his own life.
Pride is something that is not tolerated by God. Pride, if left unchecked, can cause death to us just like it did King Saul. He had it all, yet, because of his pride and disobedience, God allowed the devil to lead King Saul into his own destruction. This happened to a king. If it can happen to Saul, it could happen to us.
But God is still a merciful God. We shouldn’t wait to reach a point of no return and just ask for forgiveness as soon as we disobey God. Instant forgiveness, instant mercy. God, the all powerful being, is our ultimate refuge. Disobeying Him is like burning down your own house, your refuge, your protection. So why would we? Why should we?
But God is still a merciful God. We shouldn’t wait to reach a point of no return and just ask for forgiveness as soon as we disobey God. Instant forgiveness, instant mercy. God, the all powerful being, is our ultimate refuge. Disobeying Him is like burning down your own house, your refuge, your protection. So why would we? Why should we?