Saturday, January 23, 2016


I am not going to try to minimize this word... wait, no, I will minimize this word.  Stress is a condition which we allow into our lives by choice.  In further analyzing the source of stresses in our life, we need to get to the root of it, not just what is staring us in the face.  It is almost an instant reaction to a situation we deem negatively, which doesn't fit into the normal calmness of our everyday lives.

What worries us is that something in our otherwise peaceful existence is ruffled and shifted to something uncomfortable.  As if we expected our normal course to never be redirected towards a different route.  But nevertheless, we stress about it.  

But most of our stress is fueled by fear.  Fear that people around us would find out and all of a sudden our pristine stance is now marred and the focus shifts in our direction.  It then becomes uncomfortable because we would rather be seen in a positive light... all the time.  But we all know this is impossible, we all know that everyone has stress in their lives whether or not they are the focus of people around them.  It is the curse of humanity.  It is virtually impossible to avoid.  

Stress is now followed by the frantic search for a solution.  We need it and we need it now!  But oftentimes we don't get the instant solution to our problems and we desperately settle for a quick fix, which are oftentimes the wrong decision.  The biggest mistake is to rely on another faltered human being, it just depends on his or her stature in the game of life.  Now the erroneous decision becomes another feat because we now create brand new stresses.  And the vicious cycle begins again.

The difference between impressing other humans and God is that God doesn't need to be impressed. He already loves us.  It is knitted into our DNA, God's love.  Why we continue to try to impress other imperfect humans like us is beyond me.  The one who deserves the impressing is the one who loves us whether we are impressive or not.  As long as we love His Son and claim Him to be ours is enough for God.  The ONLY ONE who can calm our stresses and help us through this unfair world is God, ironically, the one we don't try to impress.  All I ask is why?  While I understand that stress is a human condition, would you rather sit and stress or understand stress and handle it according to God's guidance?

Until my next rant... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

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