Instruction manuals are the very first thing we rely on when we get something new from the store in order to effectively use the product, handle new clothing, or even to assemble a piece of furniture. It's the norm, otherwise we would just be guessing. We would even go as far as wish our own children came with an instruction manual in frustration when they are difficult to handle.
What we fail to realize is that life did come with an instructional handbook. Personally, I cannot imagine this world without the Bible. Sure, there are people who go through life without even as much as opening the good Book. But if it weren't for the Bible, how do we measure our moral compass, to know what is right or wrong?
You see, good people are not just made. Somewhere down the line, someone read the Bible and passed it down to their children in the form of discipline. How do we know discipline if it weren't taught to us? How do we know kindness if it weren't for the teachings in the Bible? Better yet, why is the Bible the world's longest running national best seller of all time?
Folks, the Bible was not an accident. God had a plan, He doesn't make any mistakes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. If you don't understand the significance of the Bible stories, God says it over and over again that His law, grace, blessing, mercy and love was, is, and will be available to ALL people. The only thing He cannot manipulate is our Will. Our Will is directed by our own decision. But in order to make the right one, it has to line up with God's. Ergo, instructional manual, ergo... BIBLE. Something to think about.
Until my next rant... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!