The child is born. The Baby Jesus, born in a manger, a humble place, so insignificant but yet full of significance. It proves to us that God among us does not flaunt His power and excellence even though it is very attainable. Imagine if He was born in royal influence, rather than a stable, would we have been able to understand how God's love operates? Imagine if He was born in wealth, would the people listen and follow Him simply because of His worldly influence? Stop and think about that. As humans we are attracted to delusions of grandeur, it is simply human nature. Our intellect cannot comprehend wealth in God's love as compared to diamonds and pearls.
I can understand perfectly why God chose for Jesus to be born in such a humble circumstance. First, it was for protection. Protection from His life being taken which could halt God's plan. His birth was incognito as they disappeared among the crowd when there was an order to kill all the newborn baby boys. The second is because He wants to be relatable and more humbly below the lowest of all humankind. This way, the blurred vision of worldly riches will not come between Him and us. God is all powerful and a genius for planning such life for Jesus.
After the Christmas story, the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, He is now living among us and spreading God's word, breathing life to the Bible, a book that is ever so timeless but timely. Small wonder this is the greatest story ever told.
Now you can choose to believe it or choose to reject it but ultimately, you will have to accept it, because EVERY knee shall bow to Jesus when He returns for those of us who love Him.
Until my next rant... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!