Physical nerve damage is that most difficult to treat, like spinal cord injury and diabetes. The nerves are the most sensitive part of our physiology and deserves the utmost care. It is imperative for us to preserve the matters of our physical touch. When one loses the sense of feeling in certain parts of the body, it becomes a huge problem because pain is no longer felt. Without the feeling of pain, there would not be an alarm to the brain to correct the condition. Without such an alarm, bedsores, footsore, and the like will develop because the body no longer has the ability to warn itself of the danger.
In the same token, people can develop a similar kind of moral insensitivity because of our politically correct society and the presence of those who promote them as if they are what should be the norm. Acceptance of everything and tolerance of ideals that, even if conflicts with our Christian faith, yet choosing to conform to the world's ways become discombobulated in our hearts and our minds that we can no longer distinguish what is right and what is wrong. The muddy waters begin to silence our conscience and then harden our hearts.
This condition can prove fatal because we forget the fundamental righteousness that God has taught us which leads us directly to sin. The devil is the author of the creation of this mud and he will confuse us to the point of succumbing to such a trap.
Let us not forget that Love is what matters. Love is how it started by God's love for us and how we have to keep our focus on Him so that we can do the same for each other. Don't get suckered into the alternative. There is no alternative to love.
Until my next rant.... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
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