Cultivate contentment. "Abraham in the Bible is very wealthy, just like there are lots of wealthy people who are Godly. Abraham and his wife, Sarah, did not put their wealth first, they were willing to leave the comfort of their house, their friends, etc. to live in a tent to do whatever God wanted them to do.
If you want to have a happy marriage, you have to learn to live only with God and each other and just the basic necessities of life like food and clothing. That’s all you need in order to keep you happy. Learn contentment. The bible says in Phillip 4:11, Whatever state we're in, we are to be content. The wise man once said to whom little is not enough, nothing is enough."
I have read as well as heard stories of marriages falling apart once the wealth dissipates. It is better to go through life with someone by your side when tragic situations hit, at the very least you have each other. They say two heads are better than one. A solid marriage that is regarded as an unbreakable covenant will survive any tragic situation life presents to them. When two people are each other's rocks, they sit strong through any turmoil. It is admirable to realize that such unions exist all around us and we all strive to attain it for ourselves. It takes two like (sometimes unlike) minds and hearts to mesh together to create such a bond, but when it happens, it is magical. Marriage is 90% work and 10% love, in the beginning. However, I believe that the longer the marriage lasts, the scales start to tip the other way, and at the end, love prevails victoriously.
There are some people who get married for the wrong reasons, or for reasons they thought was a good and then later throw the marriage out when reality bites. No matter how you slice it, the end result is the same. Better to make certain before you take the plunge if the person you are planning to marry is the one you want to be with forever, because forever is a mighty long time.
Until the next rant... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!