When I reflect on the greatest commandment by Jesus before he left the earth to take His place next to His Father on the throne, I often wondered about the ten other ones that God gave to Moses in the old testament.
What of those commandments, then? Were they insignificant now? Then I picked each and every one of the apart to see how they relate to the one general umbrella of loving one another. My conclusion was, no, not really. If we take each of the ten commandments, they ALL lead under the scope of the one that Jesus said was the greatest and most important commandment of loving each other.
When we love each other, there would not have to be any killing, stealing, adultery, jealousy, envy, etc. etc. etc. Parents would be honored, God would be honored! There would be no idolatry, such as loving money over God. We would become childlike in our trust for each other.
But the most important lesson that we have learned from Jesus' agape love for all humankind was sacrificing His own life for our transgressions. You cannot find one other human being who would do that today. The moral and social decay of our world today leads to the most important person... "ME" This is the ME generation. True love is not a normality anymore, but skewed love is. We are no longer keen on our observation with our hearts as to what true love really is, even though Jesus teaches us everyday that compassion is paramount. After all, we are the heirs to His own manifestation of TRUE LOVE.
So when Jesus commands us to Love one another, He doesn't expect us to become doormats for others but rather a true example of the kind of love that He humbled himself down even though He had the power to punish. We are only expected to practice everyday and act on love everywhere we go with everyone we meet. This way, we are representing His love even in our most basic and simple humanly way.
Until my next rant.... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!