Saturday, October 10, 2015


Easier said than done, you say.  I can relate.  There are trying times in our lives where as human beings we seem to hold on to worry and stress even though we know that God has a plan for us.  Whether or not you are faced with Christian memes on Facebook, sometimes friends' advice bombard you, we tend to hang on to our worries like we have been conditioned all our lives.

I get it.  It's very hard to let that stuff go.  That is because in this world where the devil runs amok, he is right there telling you that God is really not helping you get through your circumstances and to be fair, we all believe it.  It's not that easy to just let it go, because we think that if we do, it the worst will unravel right before our very eyes, as if the alternative would really help it anyway.

The visual I present to you for this message is exactly what I did.  I used to love the saying, "when you are faced with bad situations, pretend to blow it out in a bubble and watch it float away."  That was before my relationship with God was strong.  But I can tell you as I sit here writing to you, there is still that human emotion that won't let it go.  I have to force myself to do it sometimes.

I would pray about the things that worry me and ask God to take it.  Then reluctantly, I visualize myself giving it up to Him to handle.  Whenever that little evil voice tells me it ain't gonna happen, I silence it with, "If God is for me, who could be against me?" and "No weapons formed against me will ever prosper."  Then, I follow it up with the vision of God being the almighty power and if He can't fix it, no one can.  Somehow, I am able to gather up the courage to fully let it go!  Yes, it is hard to get through those steps but with the right attitude, the right heart, it IS possible!  Because after all, with God ALL things are possible.  He didn't say some, he said ALL!

Coming back from vacation, I knew that my classes at Michaels would grow stale.  If the vacation wasn't already planned, I wouldn't have gone at all.  I didn't want to have that pause in the flow because I believed that the more I put my schedule out there, the more people would flock to my classes.  However, to make a long story short, what I thought would happen, happened.  Imagine the heartbreak I had when the parking lot was thin as I parked to do my first class coming back from vacation.  I used to be able to at least talk with people coming in and introduce myself but that wasn't even possible.

I felt defeated.  I asked God, how can I get people to come?  At that point I just surrendered myself to Him.  "Here God, you do it."  The day after next there was another class scheduled.  I called and got the same response, no sign-ups.  As I sat here today, I see a message from the store saying someone IS signed up after all.  Yes, I didn't have a full class, but I knew right there that the grace of God was upon me.  It's like He said, small proof but proof nonetheless.  Praise God, give Him the glory!  I love it when I get that from God here and there.  It wasn't a grandiose thing BUT it is His way of telling me, I'm still here working in the background for you.  I bet His grandiose proof is now on the way, and you know what?  It will be more than I expected or imagined.  

For now I wait... in the meantime, I blow it out in a bubble, let it go... and let God!

Until my next rant.... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

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