Sunday, June 18, 2017


It seems true to think that when one grows up with an absent father, one seems unfulfilled.  Absent can both mean physical and emotional.  Some fathers can be present physically but fully abandoned emotionally and mentally.

This truth makes God even more real.  The father is usually the head of the family, the glue that holds together a unit that is in need of not only financial support but emotional and spiritual protection.  Absent the latter, the unit falls apart.  Most men can be baby makers but not fathers.  For whatever reason they abandon their units, the unit is in turmoil.

Most women would surmise that they can fill both roles.  However attractive that seems to be, a woman can never fill the role of a father in all aspects of her children's lives.  Case in point, I was a single parent to two children.  Although I worked myself off to make ends meet, I still could not fill the role of father to my son who wanted to engage in sports.  I can be in attendance, sure.  But I couldn't teach him the techniques, the male perspective, because I am not a man who knows about sports.  The same with my daughter.  I can tell her about relationships from a woman's point of view, but never from a man's point of view.  It's not sexist to say this is true.  If a woman thinks she can fulfill both roles, she is just deceiving herself.

God assumes the father role to all of us.  Thank God He does.  He was the one I clung to growing up with an physically, emotionally and mentally absent father.  Thank God for human fathers like my father in law, Earl and my stepfather Henry who stepped into a father role in my life.  With them I learned both worldly and spiritual lessons.  They were my guide and protectors in my adult life.  I wish they lived longer but the lessons they taught me is engraved in my heart and mind.  Since their passing, God, who is the almighty Father, protector and provider has been there for me.  I can say with all honesty and gusto that I am proud for Him to be my Father.  Meeting Him face to face is just a bonus.  I feel His mighty and strong presence every day.  And of course, I feel His disappointment in me too.  Life on earth is not perfect, but God is.  So I really take to heart His lessons for me via situations I'm faced with every day.

I hope and pray more men would step up into the father role doing God's will for their own children.  That would just be a double bonus!

Until my next rant... LOVE ONE ANOTHER!  That's the ticket!

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