Sunday, May 3, 2015


No man is an island.  It is a decade-old saying that is one of my favorites.  But I would like to further push the envelope for you.  

In Isaiah 50: 10-11, God teaches us to take leaning on Him seriously in times of trouble and in our times of darkness that surely plague us humans.  He says trust in the Lord, your God and rely on Him, because it is in these times of darkness where enlightenment happens.  

When we trust our own defenses, or even trust others, oftentimes, we are doomed.  Do you know that we all have problems?  Nine times out of ten, when we listen to the advise of another, or even make rash decisions, we usually fail?  Why do you think that is?  Well, there is one distinct possibility.  It is possible that because we are human and our capacity as humans is just as faltered as the other person.  Sure, there are people who give very good advise, and I don’t banish that, but guaranteed, the same person who gave you advise surely has their own troubles they cannot solve either.

When Abraham was told by God that even though he and Sarah were so old God would still give them a child.  It took God awhile to follow through in their minds that when Sarah suggested that Abraham sleep with Haggar the servant, Abraham defied God and did so and Ishmael was born.  This angered God and he cursed Ishmael and all his children to lie down in darkness.  See, Abraham lit his own fire by sleeping with Haggar instead of waiting on God.

Moses stepped in and killed an Egyptian, buried him in the sand and God’s wind uncovered Moses’ mistakes which made him spend 40 years in the backside of the desert.

Simon Peter, regardless of his relationship with Jesus, was caught off-guard and denied him when asked if he knew Jesus to save his own skin.

There are many many more stories like these even in the present age, and in our own lives where we fail to put our trust in God which in turn put us in the midst of darkness.  But God’s promises never fail.  His light always chases away the darkness when we put our trust in Him.  Man made fire is deceptive and will surely make us lie down in God ordained darkness if we think we can make it on our own.   

Remember, if you are in darkness right now, lean on God and He will surely turn your sorrow into joy.  The world has too much of a glare, glitz and glamour which blinds us.  We need to stay upon God, in our deepest, darkest sorrow, His eyes are upon us.  Trust Him, call upon His name, and surrender to Him.  Only He can get you out!

Until my next rant…. LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!

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