Sunday, November 4, 2012


Our hearts, our thoughts, our prayers go to all those people across the northeast who had been adversely affected by Hurricane Sandy.

We are within hours of election day.  I cast my vote and there is nothing the candidates can do to change it.  But the campaigns are going to continue until right before the poles close, Tuesday night.  We’ve been told for the most of two years, this election is going to be about jobs and the economy.  I don’t disagree with that.  It’s what the election probably will be about.  But this election ought to be about the dramatic difference between two parties, two world views, two candidates and two futures.

Now if you believe that tax more, and spend more and have government run more of your life is working for us, then you’re going to want to vote for Barack Obama.  And if you believe that higher taxes gives government money that could instead funded your job, then Mitt Romney is more likely your choice. 

Look, I don’t pretend to be a predictor of elections but this much I do know.  I sense something very strong moving across this country.  On August 1st, people lined up and waited in line for hours to buy a chicken sandwich so America would hear their voices.  I believe on Tuesday, those same people are going to be willing to wait in line for hours to cast a vote so America will feel their votes. 

This is not just an election about our paycheck; this is an election about our principles.  I believe everyone’s life has value, and I don’t accept the notion that anyone is disposable or expendable.  I am not going to vote for someone who fails to respect the dignity and worth of every individual, but I also believe this election ought to be about America’s place in the world.  I am not at all satisfied that we’re being given straight and honest answers about the murder of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, the lack of transparency and accountability for what happened and the ever changing stories from this administration are troubling. 

Now it’s one thing for a politician to embellish a story or stretch the truth just to make a point but for the government to knowingly and willingly deceive its citizens for political self-preservation, that’s not a political failure, that’s a moral failure.  Now maybe you’re willing to overlook that, I am most certainly not.

We saw the horrors of our fellow citizens abandoned in the neighborhoods of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and throughout the northeast following the wrath of Hurricane Sandy.  For some of them to wait days to get rescued from their flooded homes, and then others to go days without food or water in the most resourceful city on earth, is unimaginable.  And to think that American personnel in Benghazi went for hours without help while under heavy weapons attack, that’s unimaginable.

We’re not just voting for a personality, we’re voting for the trustworthiness of the people we elect.  I have faith in people of faith.  Those who believe in God and don’t think he’s out of style and disengaged.  And if those people vote their values, they’ll change the country.  But if they stay home, they will be abandoning their children and grandchildren to a government they can’t trust and a future they don’t want.  So if you stood in line for a chicken sandwich, please, stand in line for your country.  Huckabee

Huckabee said it best for me.  Your position may be different but ultimately, it is our faith in God that wins.  God does not say he is the Alpha and the Omega for nothing.  He is the one in control, He is the one that matters so our choices may be different from each other but as long as we Love in God's name, we will be fine.  Until my next rant...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My vote has been cast as well. My vote went to the one I believe is the lesser of the 2 evils. America needs a change in politics that transcends a 2 party system because Dems and the GOP will always oppose each other just out of principle, rather than put party differences aside and put the people of America first. You hit the "nail on the head" however when you said God is ultimately in control. Praise and blessing for your messages.